Lorene’s Bakery & Catering

Lorene's Wedding CakesOne of the more well-known food establishments in Dobson, North Carolina is Lorene’s Bakery & Catering.  Lorene’s Bakery & Catering provides five-star catering, at reasonable prices.

Probably most famous for their exquisitely decorated cakes, Lorene’s gets booked for a lot of functions and special occasions– mostly weddings and all sorts of parties, as far as 3 to 5 months in advance.

Lorene’s Bakery & Catering is located at 314 N White St., Dobson, North Carolina 27017.  They may be reached at (336) 356-4699.  Lorene’s in open Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 9AM to 5:30PM (except on Saturdays, when they close early at 1PM).

You can also visit Lorene’s on Facebook to see her beautifully decorated award-winning cakes.